A.期刊論文 |
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Tang-Yao Hong, Yu-Yuan Hsiao, Menghsiao Meng and TienHsiung Thomas Li, “The 1.5 A structure of endo-1,3-beta-glucanase from Streptomyces sioyaensis: evolution of the active-site structure for 1,3-beta-glucan-binding specificity and hydrolysis,” Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr, vol.D64, 964-970, 2008. (SCI) |
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Lee Yian Liang, TienHsiung Thomas Li, “Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic study of the phosphoglucose isomerase from Bacillus Subtilis,” Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun, vol.F64, 1181–1183, 2008. (SCI) |
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Yang, M. T., Chang, C. H., Wang, J. M., Wu, T. K., Wang, Y. K., Chang, C. Y., Li, T. T*, “Crystal structure and inhibition studies of transglutaminase from streptomyces mobaraense,” J Biol Chem, vol.286(9), 7301-7307. (SCI) |
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Wang, Y. K., Huang, S. C., Wu, Y. F., Chen, Y. C., Chen, W. H., Lin, Y. L., Nayak, M., Lin, Y .R., Li, T. T., Wu, T. K, “Purification, crystallization and preliminary x-ray analysis of a thermostable direct haemolysin from grimontia hollisae,” Acta Cryst, vol.F67, 224-227. (SCI) |