2021/08- Assistant Professor, Institute of Biochemistry, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan
2017/10–2019/09 博士後研究員 英國萊斯特大學
2015/05–2017/09 博士後研究員 英國帝國理工大學
2012/11–2015/04 博士後研究員 英國癌症研究中心
免疫缺陷、著絲粒不穩定、面部異常(immunodeficiency, centromeric instability, facial anomalies, ICF)綜合症是一種罕見的體染色體隱性遺傳疾病[1],主要特徵就如同名稱一樣為不同程度的免疫缺陷、著絲粒不穩定以及面部發育異常,由於免疫缺陷造成血清中缺少抗體,所以反覆感染為此病顯著的臨床表現[2, 3]。詳細的致病機制並不清楚,但是一般認為與DNA甲基化轉移酶3B(DNA methyltransferase 3B, DNMT3B)發生突變所造成的DNA甲基化減少(hypomethylation)有關[4, 5],截至目前的研究已證實DNMT3B、ZBTB24、CDCA7、HELLS四種基因與ICF綜合症發病有關[6]。根據致病基因的不同,ICF綜合症可細分為四種亞型,分別為ICF1(DNMT3B突變)、ICF2(ZBTB24突變)[7]、ICF3(CDCA7突變)以及ICF4(HELLS突變)[8],其中DNMT3B是最見的致病基因,大約有百分之五十的ICF患者帶有突變的DNMT3B基因。
截至目前的研究發現,zinc-finger and BTB domain containing 24(ZBTB24)是一個轉錄因子,其功能為調控cell division cycle associated 7(CDCA7)的表現[9],而CDCA7為一個染色質結合因子,它會促使helicase, lymphoid-specific(HELLS)被吸引到染色質上,並且誘導其活性進行染色質重塑(chromatin remodeling)[10],經重塑後而暴露出來的DNA就可以接著被DNMT3B進行甲基化,任何一個基因的突變都會造成有缺陷的DNA甲基化,進而導致ICF綜合症的發生。下圖是總結多年的研究之後所得到的最新作用模式:
CDCA7是一個含有4CXXC zinc finger domain的蛋白質,此Zn-finger區域位於蛋白質的C端並且具有高度保留度,其主要功能為核酸結合。HELLS屬於SNF2 ATPase family中的SNF2-like subfamily,此次家族含有SMARCA2/4(BRM/BRG1)、CHD3-5(Mi-2)、CHD1/2、CHD6-9、SMARCA1/5(SNF2L/SNF2h,ISWI)以及ALC1等成員。大部分的成員不需要其他蛋白質的協助即具有染色質重塑活性,但是HELLS本身卻不具此活性,必須和CDCA7結合後形成CDCA7-HELLS ICF-related nucleosome remodeling complex(CHIRRC)才成為有活性的複合物(10)。CDCA7所扮演的角色為先利用其4CXXC zinc finger domain與核酸結合,再吸引HELLS到染色質並且刺激其染色質重塑活性,此功能對於後續的DNA甲基化攸關重要。
另一方面,有研究指出HELLS可以利用其N端的coiled-coil 區域直接與DNMT3B進行結合,再藉由DNMT3B來誘導DNA methyltransferase 1(DNMT1)與histone deacetylase 1(HDAC1)的結合[11]。此作用力對於DNMT3B的功能而言是非常重要的,因為DNMT3B必須作用在高度堆積的染色質區域,本身卻不具有染色質重塑的活性,因此勢必需要藉由HELLS的染色質重塑活性來消除此結構所造成的阻礙,才能夠順利進行DNA甲基化,因此了解HELLS與DNMT3B之間的詳細作用機制是非常重要的。
(1) CDCA7如何活化HELLS的染色質重塑活性?
(2) CHIRRC如何和染色質結合進行染色質重塑?
(3) HELLS與DNMT3B結合的詳細機制?
(4) ICF綜合症的突變研究?
1. P. Maraschio, O. Zuffardi, T. Dalla Fior, L. Tiepolo, Immunodeficiency, centromeric heterochromatin instability of chromosomes 1, 9, and 16, and facial anomalies: the ICF syndrome. J Med Genet 25, 173-180 (1988).
2. L. Tiepolo et al., Multibranched chromosomes 1, 9, and 16 in a patient with combined IgA and IgE deficiency. Hum Genet 51, 127-137 (1979).
3. M. M. Hagleitner et al., Clinical spectrum of immunodeficiency, centromeric instability and facial dysmorphism (ICF syndrome). J Med Genet 45, 93-99 (2008).
4. R. S. Hansen et al., The DNMT3B DNA methyltransferase gene is mutated in the ICF immunodeficiency syndrome. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 96, 14412-14417 (1999).
5. G. L. Xu et al., Chromosome instability and immunodeficiency syndrome caused by mutations in a DNA methyltransferase gene. Nature 402, 187-191 (1999).
6. M. Vukic, L. Daxinger, DNA methylation in disease: Immunodeficiency, Centromeric instability, Facial anomalies syndrome. Essays Biochem 63, 773-783 (2019).
7. J. C. de Greef et al., Mutations in ZBTB24 are associated with immunodeficiency, centromeric instability, and facial anomalies syndrome type 2. Am J Hum Genet 88, 796-804 (2011).
8. P. E. Thijssen et al., Mutations in CDCA7 and HELLS cause immunodeficiency-centromeric instability-facial anomalies syndrome. Nat Commun 6, 7870 (2015).
9. H. Wu et al., Converging disease genes in ICF syndrome: ZBTB24 controls expression of CDCA7 in mammals. Hum Mol Genet 25, 4041-4051 (2016).
10. C. Jenness et al., HELLS and CDCA7 comprise a bipartite nucleosome remodeling complex defective in ICF syndrome. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 115, E876-E885 (2018).
11. K. Myant, I. Stancheva, LSH cooperates with DNA methyltransferases to repress transcription. Mol Cell Biol 28, 215-226 (2008).
- Wang, Z. A.*, Millard, C. J.*, Lin, C. L.*, Gurnett, J. E., Wu, M., Lee, K., Fairall, L., Schwabe, J. W. and Cole, P. A. (2020, Jun). Diverse nucleosome Site- Selectivity among histone deacetylase complexes. eLife, 9, e57663.
- Willhoft, O.*, Ghoneim, M.*, Lin, C. L.*, Chua, E. Y. D., Wilkinson, M., Chaban, Y., Ayala, R., McCormack, E. A., Ocloo, L., Rueda, D. S. and Wigley, D. B. (2018, Oct). Structure and dynamics of the yeast SWR1-nucleosome complex. Science, 362(6411), eaat7716.
- Golzarroshan, B., Lin, C. L., Li, C. L., Yang, W. Z., Chu, L. Y., Agrawal, S. and Yuan, H. S. (2018, Sep). Crystal structure of dimeric human PNPase reveals why disease-linked mutants suffer from low RNA import and degradation activities. Nucleic Acids Research, 46(16), 8630-8640.
- Lin, C. L., Chaban, Y., Rees, D. M., McCormack, E. A., Ocloo, L. and Wigley, D. B. (2017, Jul). Functional characterization and architecture of recombinant yeast SWR1 histone exchange complex. Nucleic Acids Research, 45(12), 7249- 7260.
- Rees, D. M., Willhoft, O., Lin, C. L., Bythell-Douglas, R. and Wigley, D. B. (2017, Jul). Production and Assay of Recombinant Multisubunit Chromatin Remodeling Complexes. Methods in Enzymology, 592, 27-47.
- Sanders, K.*, Lin, C. L.*, Smith, A. J.*, Cronin, N., Fisher, G., Eftychidis, V., McGlynn, P., Savery, N. J., Wigley, D. B. and Dillingham, M. S. (2017, Apr). The structure and function of an RNA polymerase interaction domain in the PcrA/UvrD helicase. Nucleic Acids Research, 45(7), 3875-3887.
- Huen, J., Lin, C. L., Golzarroshan, B., Yi, W. L., Yang, W. Z. and Yuan, H. S. (2017, Mar). Structural Insights into a Unique Dimeric DEAD-Box Helicase CshA that Promotes RNA Decay. Structure, 25(3), 469-481.