國立中興大學 生物化學研究所 教授 2021.08.01~ 迄今
國立中興大學 生物化學研究所 所長 2022.08.01~2024.06.30
國立中興大學 生物化學研究所 所長 2016.08.01~2019.07.31
國立中興大學 生物化學研究所 副教授 2015.08.01~ 2021.07.31
國立中興大學 生物化學研究所 助理教授 2009~2015.07.31
植物菌質體(phytoplasma)為一種細菌性植物病原菌,其細胞直徑約為200~800 nm,並且缺乏細胞壁。植物菌質體寄主範圍廣泛,超過百種以上的植物會受到植物菌質體的感染,其中包含許多重要的農作物,如水稻、小麥、玉米與馬鈴薯等等,導致巨大的農作物損失。植物菌質體存在於韌皮部的篩管細胞中,透過篩孔進行移動,利用昆蟲如葉蟬、飛蝨及木蝨作為傳播媒介。當植物受到植物菌質體的感染時會產生許多病徵,簇葉、花器葉化、花器綠化、葉片黃化、植株矮化、不孕花及果實畸形。目前植物菌質體無法以人工進行培養,增加其研究的難度。為了進一步釐清植物菌質體是如何導致植物的病害,近年來利用次世代定序(Next generation sequencing)的技術,多種植物菌質體的基因體已經被解序。植物菌質體具有很小的基因體,約680~1600 Kb,G+C含量低,並且缺乏重要的生化合成與代謝的相關基因。本實驗室已於2015年針對於臺中霧峰紫錐菊上所發現的purple coneflower witches’ broom phytoplasma完成解序。
Methoxypyrazines (MPs)是一種揮發性氣味分子,目前已知有三種分子屬於MPs,分別為IPMP、IBMP及SBMP。MPs存在於許多植物中,使他們產生獨特的氣味,葡萄酒的氣味主要受到IBMP的影響。在昆蟲上也有IBMP,扮演費洛蒙的角色,藉由氣味使昆蟲聚集,提升昆蟲繁衍的機會。本實驗室發現植物菌質體分泌蛋白SAP11會導致菸草缺乏其特有揮發性氣味。進一步利用固相微萃取法搭配氣相層析質譜分析,發現SAP11的轉殖菸草中IBMP含量顯著降低。此外,其中IBMP的生合成所需要的酵素O-methyltransferase (OMT)的表現量明顯降低。顯示植物菌質體的致病性蛋白,不只可以改變植物的外表型,也可以改變植物的揮發性氣味,防止瓢蟲的聚集,進而增加葉蟬的存活率,以及提高植物菌質體的傳播效率。
近年來,台灣人民對於食物安全的議題非常重視。利用天然的食材攝取對人體有益的營養素是目前頗受歡迎的一種方式,可避免過多人工化學合成物質的攝取。植物有許多有色化學物質如:花青素(anthocyanins)、類胡蘿蔔素(carotenoid)和甜菜素(betalains)等,其具有抗氧化、預防癌症等的功效。瞭解植物如何合成這些有色化學物質將有助於讓植物提升有色化合物的生產量,同時可以利用微生物大量合成用於保養品和美妝品產業領域。本實驗室主要透過分子生物學、生理、生化和基因體學等的策略針對甜菜素的生合成路徑進行探討。L-DOPA (L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine)是甜菜素生合成路徑中重要的物資,也是構成天然甜菜色素的基本單元,其經由tyrosinase、CYP76AD1或CYP76AD6將酪胺酸(tyrosine)催化生成。L-DOPA是人類腦部中神經傳導物質Dopamine的前驅物,在醫學臨床領域中常用來治療巴金森氏病(Parkinson's disease)。在植物中,L-DOPA下游物質cyclo-DOPA和betalamic acid,分別由CYP76AD1和DOPA催化生成。本實驗室主要以L-DOPA作為主要前驅物並更深入的釐清tyrosinase、DOPA、CYP76AD和glucosyltransferase等酵素在植物生合成有色物質中所扮演的角色,同時尋找參與其中的未知酵素,希望未來在天然色素領域中提供一些知識與協助。
氣候變遷與糧食安全(climate change and food security)是當今全球各國積極面對的重要議題,不僅攸關農業經濟更衝擊國家安全。台灣位於熱帶與亞熱帶的天然樞紐,對於農業生物技術具有堅強的基礎,因此更加需要積極面對氣候變遷與糧食安全的問題。葉綠體不但是植物進行光合作用提供能量的主要器官,而且許多代謝產物如氨基酸、脂肪酸、植物色素及賀爾蒙也是在葉綠體中生成。同時在老化及逆境反應中,葉綠體更是植物氮源的主要提供者,所以葉綠體降解機制的研究實質上攸關植物的產能。植物的選擇性自噬作用在延緩老化、營養短缺和逆境反應中扮演重要的角色,主要的功能為回收再利用特定物質如胞器、蛋白質聚合物或特定蛋白質。過去的研究大多集中在自噬小體形成的機制,但植物是否需要接合分子辨識特定物質進行選擇性降解仍有待釐清。先前研究得知當植物自噬作用的atg4 或者atg5缺失時,葉綠體降解途徑之RCBs小體的形成會受到阻礙。同時也發現自噬小體膜上的ATG8會座落在RCBs小體上。因此可知以RCBs為主的葉綠體降解途徑是需要透過自噬作用的機制。然而,含有葉綠體基質內涵物的RCBs小體如何進行選擇性降解仍然不清楚。本實驗室以植物phytoene desaturase缺失引發的白化現象為模式,探討選擇性自噬作用之接合分子在葉綠體降解過程中所扮演的角色。
2019.05 Received the Prof. Shou-Kung Sun’s Plant Patholosidt Academic Reward
2018.01 Received the Distinguished Associate Professor Award from NCHU
2016.01 Received the Distinguished Young Scholar Award from NCHU
2014.12 Received the Outstanding Young Scholar Award from BSROC
2014.08 Received the Outstanding Young Faculty Award from NCHU
2005.07 Received the Taiwan Merit Scholarship from Ministry of Education, Council for Economic Planning and Development, and National Science Council
1. Geng-Jen Jang, Jun-Yi Yang, Hsu-Liang Hsieh, Shu-Hsing Wu*. 2019. Processing bodies control the selective translation for optimal development of Arabidopsis young seedlings. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A. 116, 6451-6456. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1900084116. (Mar)
2. Shu Heng Changco, Choon Meng Tanco, Chih-Tang Wuco, Tzu-Hsiang Lin, Shin-Ying Jiang, Ren-Ci Liu, Ming-Chen Tsai, Li-Wen Su, Jun-Yi Yang*. 2018. Alterations of plant architecture and phase transition by the phytoplasma virulence factor SAP11. Journal of Experimental Botany. 69, 5389-5401. (Nov)
3. Shang‑Hung Pao, Ping‑Yun Tsai, Ching‑I Peng, Pei‑Ju Chen, Chi‑Chu Tsai, En‑Cheng Yang, Ming‑Chih Shih, Jiannyeu Chen, Jun‑Yi Yang, Peter Chesson, and Chiou‑Rong Sheue*. 2018. Lamelloplasts and minichloroplasts in Begoniaceae: iridescence and photosynthetic functioning. Journal of Plant Research. 131, 655-670. doi: 10.1007/s10265-018-1020-2. (July)
4. Sylvain Poque, Hui-Wen Wu, Chung-Hao Huang, Hao-Wen Cheng, Wen-Chi Hu, Jun-Yi Yang, David Wang, and Shyi-Dong Yeh*. 2018. Potyviral Gene-Silencing Suppressor HCPro Interacts with Salicylic Acid (SA)-Binding Protein 3 to Weaken SA-Mediated Defense Responses. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 31, 86-100. (Jan)
5. Seok Keun Cho, Moon Young Ryu, Christian Poulsen, Jong Hum Kim, Tae Rin Oh, Suk Won Choi, Mijung Kim, Jun-Yi Yang, Kyung Hwan Boo, Naomi Geshi, Woo Taek Kim and Seong Wook Yang*. 2017. HIGLE is a bifunctional homing endonuclease that directly interacts with HYL1 and SERRATE in Arabidopsis thaliana. FEBS Letters. 591, 1383-1393. (May)
6. Choon Meng Tan, Chia-Hua Li, Nai-Wen Tsao, Li-Wen Su, Yen-Ting Lu, Shu Heng Chang, Yi Yu Lin, Jyun-Cyuan Liou, Li-Ching Hsieh, Jih-Zu Yu, Chiou-Rong Sheue, Sheng-Yang Wang, Chin-Fa Lee, Jun-Yi Yang*. 2016. Phytoplasma SAP11 alters 3-isobutyl-2-methoxypyrazine biosynthesis in Nicotiana benthamiana by suppressing NbOMT1. Journal of Experimental Botany. 67, 4415-4425. (Jun)
7. Shu-Heng Chang, Shu-Ting Cho, Chung-Li Chen, Jun-Yi Yang*, Chih-Horng Kuo*. 2015. Draft Genome Sequence of a 16SrII-A Subgroup Phytoplasma Associated with the Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) Witches’-Broom Disease in Taiwan. Genome Announcements. 3: e01398-15. doi: 10.1128/genomeA.01398-15. (Nov)
8. Jian Ye, Jun-Yi Yang, Yanwei Sun, Pingzhi Zhao, Shiqiang Gao, Choonkyun Jung, Jing Qu, Rongxiang Fang, Nam-Hai Chua*. 2015. Geminivirus activates ASYMMETRIC LEAVES 2 to accelerate cytoplasmic DCP2-mediated mRNA turnover and weakens RNA silencing in Arabidopsis. PLoS Pathogens. 11, e1005196. (Oct)
9. Hsing-Fun Hsu, Wei-Han Hsu, Yung-I Lee, Wan-Ting Mao, Jun-Yi Yang, Jen-Ying Li, Chang-Hsien Yang*. 2015. Model for perianth formation in orchids. Nature Plants. 15046. doi:10.1038/nplants.2015.46. (Apr)
10. Choon Meng Tan, Meng-Ying Li, Pei-Yun Yang, Shu Heng Chang, Yi-Ping Ho, Hong Lin, Wen-Ling Deng and Jun-Yi Yang*. 2015. Arabidopsis HFR1 is a potential nuclear substrate regulated by the Xanthomonas type III effector XopDXcc8004. PLoS ONE. 10: e0117067. (Feb)
11. Chang-Hua Li, Chih-Pin Chiang, Jun-Yi Yang, Chia-Jou Ma, Yu-Chan Chen, Hungchen Emilie Yen*. 2014. RING-type ubiquitin ligase McCPN1 catalyzes UBC8-dependent protein ubiquitination and interacts with Argonaute 4 in halophyte ice plant. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 80, 211-219. (Jul)
12. Yen-Ting Lu, Kai-Tan Cheng, Shin-Ying Jiang, and Jun-Yi Yang*. 2014. Post-translational cleavage and self-interaction of the phytoplasma effector SAP11. Plant Signaling & Behavior. 9, e28991. (Apr)
13. Yen-Ting Luco, Meng-Ying Lico, Kai-Tan Cheng, Choon Meng Tan, Li-Wen Su, Wei-Yi Lin, Hsien-Tzung Shih, Tzyy-Jen Chiou and Jun-Yi Yang*. 2014. Transgenic plants that express the phytoplasma effector SAP11 show altered phosphate starvation and defense responses. Plant Physiology. 416, 1456–1469. (Mar)
14. Li-Wen Suco, Shu Heng Changco, Meng-Ying Li, Heng-Yi Huang, Wann-Neng Jane, Jun-Yi Yang*. 2013. Purification and biochemical characterization of Arabidopsis At-NEET, an ancient iron-sulfur protein, reveals a conserved cleavage motif for subcellular localization. Plant Science. 213, 46-54. (Dec)
15. Yi-Ping Ho, Choon Meng Tan, Meng-Ying Li, Hong Lin, Wen-Ling Deng, and Jun-Yi Yang*. 2013. The AvrB_AvrC domain of AvrXccC of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris is required to elicit plant defense responses and manipulate ABA homeostasis. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 26, 419-430. (Apr)
16. Yuan-Lin Chou, Yi-Jing Hung, Yang-Hao Tseng, Hsiu-Ting Hsu, Jun-Yi Yang, Chiung-Hua Wung, Na-Sheng Lin, Menghsiao Meng, Yau-Heiu Hsu, Ban-Yang Chang*. 2013. The stable association of virion with the triple-gene-block protein 3-based complex of Bamboo mosaic virus. PLoS Pathogens. 9, e1003405. (Jun)
17. Yan-Jhu Pengco, Ching-Fang Shihco, Jun-Yi Yang, Choon-Meng Tan, Wei-Han Hsu, Yu-Pei Huang, Pei-Chun Liao and Chang-Hsien Yang*. 2013. A RING-type E3 ligase controls anther dehiscence by activating the jasmonate biosynthetic pathway gene DEFECTIVE IN ANTHER DEHISCENCE1 in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal. 74, 310-327. (Apr)
18. Lucie Salvaudon, Consuelo M. De Moraes, Jun-Yi Yang, Nam-Hai Chua and Mark C. Mescher*. 2013. Effects of the virus satellite gene βC1 on host plant defense signaling and volatile emission. Plant Signaling & Behavior. 8, e23317. (Mar)
19. Sanghee Kimco, Jungeun Leeco, Jun-Yi Yang, Choonkyun Jung, Nam-Hai Chua*. 2013. Arabidopsis histone methyltransferase SET DOMAIN GROUP2 is required for regulation of various hormone responsive genes. Journal of Plant Biology. 56, 39-48. (Feb)
20. Ming Luoco, Chun-Wei Yuco, Fang-Fang Chenco, Linmao Zhao, Gang Tian, Xuncheng Liu, Yuhai Cui, Jun-Yi Yang, Keqiang Wu*. 2012. Histone deacetylase HDA6 is functionally associated with AS1 in repression of KNOX genes in Arabidopsis. PLoS Genetics. 8: e1003114. (Dec)
21. Meimei Wang, Takashi Soyano, Satoru Machida, Jun-Yi Yang, Choonkyun Jung, Nam-Hai Chua and Y. Adam Yuan*. 2011. Molecular insights into plant cell proliferation disturbance by Agrobacterium protein 6b. Genes & Development 25, 64-76.
22. Sanghee Kim, Jun-Yi Yang, Jun Xu, In-Cheol Jang, Michael J. Prigge and Nam-Hai Chua*. 2008. Two CAP BINDING PROTEINS CBP20 and CBP80 are involved in processing primary microRNAs. Plant and Cell Physiology. 49, 1634-44.
23. Jun-Yi Yang, Mayumi Iwasaki, Chiyoko Machida, Yasunori Machida, Xueping Zhou, and Nam-Hai Chua*. 2008. bC1, the pathogenicity factor of TYLCCNV, interacts with AS1 to alter leaf development and suppress selective jasmonic acid responses. Genes & Development 22, 2564-2577.
24. In-Cheol Jang, Seong Wook Yang, Jun-Yi Yang and Nam-Hai Chua*. 2007. Independent and interdependent functions of LAF1 and HFR
25. Jun Xu, Jun-Yi Yang , Qi-Wen Niu and Nam-Hai Chua*. 2006. Arabidopsis DCP2, DCP1, and VARICOSE form a decapping complex required for postembryonic development. Plant Cell 18, 3386-3398.
26. In-Cheol Jangco, Jun-Yi Yangco, Hak Soo Seo and Nam-Hai Chua*. 2005. HFR1 is targeted by COP1 E3 ligase for regulated proteolysis during phytochrome A signaling. Genes & Development 19, 593-602 (co Equal Contribution)
27. Peter D Hare, Hak Soo Seo, Jun-Yi Yang and Nam-Hai Chua*. 2003. Modulation of sensitivity and selectivity in plant signaling by proteasomal destabilization. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 6, 453-462.
28. Hak Soo Seo, Jun-Yi Yang, Masaki Ishikawa, Cordelia Bolle, Maria L. Ballesteros and Nam-Hai Chua*. 2003. LAF1 ubiquitination by COP1 controls photomorphogenesis and is stimulated by SPA1. Nature 423, 995-999.
29. Jun-Yi Yang, Mei-Chu Chung, Ching-Yu Tu and Wei-Ming Leu*. 2002. OSTF1: a HD-GL2 family homeobox gene is developmentally regulated during early embryogenesis in rice. Plant and Cell Physiology. 43, 628-638.